Saturday, May 06, 2006


With the recent LOST episode, "Two for the Road", the road is getting pretty windy with lots of action and plot twists. We're in the home stretch now towards the season 2 finale, and it's going keep getting better.

I've been following the rumors and theories on The Tail Section, and SpoilerFix.

During the summer break before season 3, ABC is running something called The Lost Experience, where clues about the island and who else might be involved in it will be appear on web sites, tv, radio, or other unexpected places. A fan group is running The Lost Experience website to keep track of the sightings.

In the last episode, a fake TV commercial for The Hanso Foundation listed a 1-800 number that has clues about where to look. There's even a website for this fake organization.

Ask a Ninja

What would you ask a Ninja?
Anything you want!

Why would you ask a Ninja?
Because he might have a funny answer!

The latest installment of Ask a Ninja is hillarious. You can subscribe to it as a video podcast on iTunes or play them right from the Ask a Ninja website.