Saturday, November 26, 2005

Harry Potter & The Latest Big Movie Title

Last week we saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

This time it's yet another new director, Mike Newell. The first two were by Chris Columbus. I think the third (previous) film (Prizoner of Azkeban, directed by Alfonso CuarĂ³n) has the best overall visual style and pace.

The scene with the dragon was cool. Really physical for a story that usually relies on magic spells to fight challenges. I was hoping to see Harry riding the dragon back to the stadium, but that probably would have required a spell, potion or similar.

The story focuses heavily on Harry and his conflict with Lord Valdemort who is constantly trying to regain physical form after losing it when he killed Harry's parents and failed to kill Harry. Unfortunately this great drama comes at the expense of the secondary characters (teachers, friends, visiting students from other schools, etc.) who are left undeveloped.

If you've been reading the books or watching the movies, this one's worth seeing.

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