Wednesday, July 18, 2007

How [not] to make a great movie

From a interview with Audrey Niffenegger, author of Time Traveler's Wife:

C: Even without the knowledge of the impending film, Time Traveler is a very cinematic book. Did you have anything in mind about how it’d look on a screen while you were writing it?

AN: I was thinking very much about what it would look like if I made a movie out of it, but the movie that I would make is not the movie that’s going to be made.

There's a saying that goes "If it isn't broken, don't fix it." Let's hope it's still a half decent movie. It's a pretty damn good book, especially considering the intricate time travel out-of-sequence storytelling.

Another great time/sci-fi/drama book is Flashforward by Robert Sawyer. That would also make an excellent movie.

There aren't any guarantees. Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park turned out okay. But other stories of his like Timeline, Sphere and Congo turned out to be disappointing crap.

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