Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Trailer Before Transformers

Before Transformers started, we saw a cool trailer for a movie that appears to take place in NYC. It look like a home video of a "going away" party, when suddenly the city comes under attack. Buildings are blowing up, the head of the Statue of Liberty gets tossed into the street... all shot from a consumer video camera.

It's some new thing by JJ Abrams (creator of Alias & Lost)-- that was given away by the Bad Robot logo credit. But there's no title, and not much else to go by. There are some cryptic websites, but I wouldn't bother with them just yet. There doesn't seem to be anything worthwhile yet. It's a sort of web-marketing scheme where the websites will magically grow more content as the movie gets nearer (Jan 08-08).

I hope that this project doesn't distract from the "other" project he's working on. That would be the next Star Trek movie. I got the impression that the point he went off to do Lost, Alias started to go down the drain. I'd rather have one great movie than two half-good ones.

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